
Bury Hospice

Scott Mordue
Scott Mordue
January 30, 2024

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our local community, we welcomed our dear friend and corporate fundraiser for Bury Hospice, Nina Camplin, through our doors.

In recognition of the invaluable work that Bury Hospice continues to do throughout our community, our social committee took the opportunity to present Nina with a heartfelt cheque. This contribution reflects our deep appreciation for the tremendous impact the hospice has had on the lives of countless individuals since its opening in June 1991.

Bury Hospice stands as a beacon of hope in our community, providing specialised, compassionate care. The charity has been a source of support for thousands of people during some of the most challenging times in their lives. It is a testament to the dedication of the hospice’s staff and volunteers that it has become a pillar of strength within our community.

The financial reality of running such a vital service is not lost on us. With an annual operational cost of £4 million, only 13% of which is covered by NHS contributions, Bury Hospice relies heavily on income generated through various channels, including fundraising, retail, and lottery.

At Bury Hospice, the focus and vision is to ensure that all patients and families in Bury receive compassionate and outstanding care throughout their palliative and end-of-life journey. Avoira is proud to stand beside Bury Hospice in this mission, and our recent contribution is a small token of appreciation for all they do.

For those interested in learning more about Avoira and our commitment to digital communication solutions, please visit avoira.com

To discover more about the incredible work of Bury Hospice, please visit Bury Hospice | Touching Local Lives

Thank you for joining us in recognising the significance of Bury Hospice in our community, and we look forward to continued collaboration and support in the future.

Bury Hospice